Design Die Sequence by Reduction

Design Die Sequence by area reduction rate















Selection CRD or PCD according to detailed engineering

How to use

  1. Fill start and final size
  2. Adjust R Rate could change size below
  3. To check the calculated start size meet the needed first size
  4. Double check the cell color become green
  5. Choose the type of drawing die at below table
  6. Adjust the parameters to meet the CP cell become green
  7. Adjust the parameters to see the 𝜟 for reference
  8. 𝜟 and RCL is related to the homogeneous works


  1. Area reduction rate(%)
  2. Elongation rate(%)
  3. Choice for drawing tool
  4. Reduction angle(2⍺)
  5. Length rate of hole Size
  6. Delta-parameter by Wistreich
  7. relative contact length by T. Maxwell
  8. Contact point by this page