Design the spool based on the specification
- Required specification of wire size, winding weight etc.
- Specify the groove detail, hole for start and end.
- Decide the spool material like ABS, PS and PP.
Manufacturer of spool mould make their own design for spool mould
- Check thickness and shape of spool for cooling water circulation
- Depending on the material, decide shrink factor on their experience.
- Since the shrink rate is different, the spool with different material get different dimension.
- With built mould, extrude sample spool for test.
- Record extrusion condition.
Inspect the spool samples
- Check shape and dimension and also flange straightness.
- Cut the part of layer groove and polish for the microscope picture.
- Scaling the picture of groove by CAD software and measure the groove distance and last lap distance.
- If not passed inspection, let maker do repair work and new samples for inspection.
- In case inspection passed, do the winding test at the winding machine with experienced operator.
- With operator's opinion, get samples with modified extrusion specification like cooling time and total cycle time.
- Issue Pass certification and check the extrusion condition from time to time.